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miss you message - miss you SMS

miss you SMS 1 :

You don't text often. You don't text much. It makes me feel sad coz we're out of touch. The message is clear. There's someone I really miss and it's you my dear!

miss you message 2 :

if one star will fall everytime i miss you... all stars will be out of the sky now.... so if ever there will be no stars tonight it's all your fault..... u made me miss you so much!

miss you SMS 3 :

You're like a target dat I always try 2 aim at. How I wish I cud aim u at d heart. But evrytime I fail, I fil so sad. U know y? Its bcoz I always end up missin u.

miss you message 4 :

Don't be too good I might miss you, don't be too caring I might like you, don't be too sweet I might fall its hard for me to love you when you wont love me after all.

miss you SMS 5 :
Someone misses you so much, its not your family nor your relatives. Its not even your bestfriend nor your closests pal. Its just the simple ordinary me, who misses the extraordinary.

miss you message 6 :
Press down if you miss me. Really? How sweet of you. You really miss me huh? Still pressing down? I am Impressed. You must have missed me so much. Well, I miss you too.

miss you SMS 7 : You must be a thief cause you stole my heart, you must be tired cause you're always running through my mind. And maybe I'm a bad shooter cause I keep missing you.

miss you message 8 : Why say hi if u mean I miss you . Why say let's go if u mean I want to be with u.. why say stay! if u can say be with me... and why say I care when your heart says I love you!

miss you SMS 9 : F only 1 star wud fall evrytym i miss u, den all d stars n heaven wud be gone... Dont wnder f ders no stars 2nyt! it's ur fault cz u made me mis u a lot...

miss you message 10 : don't be too good, i might miss you. don't be too caring, i might like you. don't be too sweet, i might fall. it's hard for me to love you when you won't love me after all.