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Romantic valentines day poem for wife,Husband,special

Romantic valentines day poem for Wife, Husband,Special Love

get the latest romantic Valentines day Poems for the wife,husband or your special love on this valentines day 2013. Here is the list of the Romantic Poems for the valentines day to send and share. Hope you will like it and love it ,Feel free to share and enjoy.

As we watch the sun go down

As we watch the sun go down,
I want to let you know;
my love for you is forever,
I'll never let you go.
You're the one I've been searching for,
the one I've finally found;
without you in my life,
my world wouldn't go round.
The love you bring into my heart,
which is so true and kind;
is something in no other,
I could truly find.
You're the only one for me,
God tells me so,
deep within my heart, mind body and soul.
Today isn't just an ordinary Valentines Day,
it's all about me and you;
about the love we share,
and how it will forever continue to grow.
It's not all about the chocolates, or the dozen roses;
it's about the love we found,
how much we've been blessed.
Everything happens for a reason,
I believe this statement is true,
that's why you were sent to me,
and I was sent to you.
I've never been more happy,
as I've been with you;
even through the rough times,
we always make it through;
To be with you for eternity,
is all I want for me and you.
All I want to say,
on our very first Valentine's Day, is:
I may not be your first love,
but I promise, with all my heart,
that I will be that one from up above,
your one and only, true love!

Happy Valentine's Day!

    - Genny R. Tajalle

My Valentine

Intoxicating Valentine
My Valentine, you’re all I want;
In you, I find joy and delight;
You give me everything I need;
I’m happiest when you’re in sight.
I think of you both night and day;
I’m drawn to you in pure attraction;
When you’re not here, I ache for you,
For your fulfilling satisfaction.
I dreamed of love like this, and yet,
I never thought that I would capture
The deep, exciting thrills we have,
This intoxicating bliss and rapture.
Please be my Valentine, and more;
Be my life, my world, my all;
Together we can be content,
And share life’s pleasures, big and small.
    -By Joanna Fuchs


How do I begin to tell you
how lucky I am to have you in my life? 
I'll start by saying what a gift you gave me 
the day you became my wife. 

You're my best friend in the good times 
and my rock in times of sorrow. 
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays 
and my promise for tomorrow. 

I never thought I could feel this loved 
until you became my wife. 
You made this year and every year 
the best one of my life.

I Desire You

I desire you when splinters of light appear
And the dew lazily joins morning sky.
When arias, pining birds to mates sing, 
I want the soothing softness of your kiss.

I desire you when the sun centers the sky
And shadows hide beneath the soles of feet.
When butterflies dance among petals white, 
I want the sparkle of your smiling eyes.

I desire you as the moon welcomes the night
And skies are flooded with twinkling bright stars. 
When candles flicker their last silent breath, 
I then want to feel your sensuous touch.

I desire you when passion swells all your soul
And your lovely face shines with radiance.
When your moist lips are full of love’s desire, 
I want to feel every pulse of your heart.

I desire you when you are weary and down
And gray skies sprinkle droplets of sad tears.
When the world laughs at your every stumble, 
I want to gently sooth your sorrows.

I desire you my love in every moment.
As time adds years like sands on the beach,
When you sense your beauty slipping to the wind, 
I will want you so much more than now

Why Do I Love You?

Why do I love you? I can't think of why,
Unless it's the sweet way that you make me sigh
With pleasure and rapture, emotion and bliss,
Each time that you hold me to give me a kiss.
Why do I love you? You've brought contentment and peace.
Each hour that I'm with you brings total release
From the cares of the day and the stresses of living.
You do that with caring and loving and giving.
Why do I love you? Reasons abound;
I know for a sure thing that I love the sound
Of your voice and your laugh, and I love your dear face,
And I know no one else could take your place.
Why do I love you? Did I mention your eyes?
The way that they smolder and hypnotize?
Your touch--what delicious sensations when we're...
Well...I'm crazy about you, I guess that's very clear.
May I be your sweetheart? And will you be mine?
Please say I can be your Valentine!
    -By Joanna Fuchs


I'd like to take this time to say
just how you make me feel.
Your smile brightens my darkest day
and makes our friendship real.

Every time you hold my hand,
I feel butterflies take flight,
and I find myself missing you
each time you're out of sight.

Each morning when I awake,
you're the first thing on my mind,
and I'll protect the special bond we share
because true love is hard to find.

You're someone very special
and this I know is true.
I'm happier than I've ever been
and I owe that all to you.

Hope you will be happy with the list of the new latest valentines day Romantic Poems for Wife, Husband and Some one special love on this valentines day 2013