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Simon Says Stamp Gratitude Blog Hop and Charity Donation

Hello crafters!   This time of year we count our blessings and the things for which we are most grateful.  We asked some amazing designers to join us for the occasion.  Each designer created inspiring projects that will give us great ideas for expressing our gratitude. 

Ready to start hopping?  Have fun!

Stop by each designer's blog and leave a comment of what you are most grateful for.  On each designer's blog they will draw a winner and Simon Says Stamp will donate $50 to the charity of the winner's choice.  What better way to express our gratitude to you, our wonderful blog readers, and those who help others than to support the organizations that are important to you?  (There is no need to put the charity of your choice in your blog comments  - we will contact the winners).  We will draw winners on Wednesday, 11/28/12.  Keep your eyes open - you just may find a very special Black Friday Early Bird discount code that will save you money on your next shopping trip!  :-) 


We are grateful to be involved in an industry that is "all about handmade" and expressions of gratitude from the heart.   The people in this industry are the very best kind of people.  That's YOU!  Thank you for being YOU!